Jul 29Liked by Scarlett St. Clair

1. Favorite time of day is probably 3 am. I'm such a night owl and it almost feels like time is frozen around then.

2. Biggest weakness is probably being such a people pleaser and allowing myself to be taken advantage of because of it. I've been working with my therapist on making myself a priority and not overextending myself.

3. (I also asked my friends this question lol) my compassion and resiliency, although my compassion can be my biggest weakness, it can also be my biggest strength (I just gotta find that balance lol) and I've been through waaaaayyy too much shit in my life but I keep going and I'm doing better every day

4. A vice to give up?

Oof, I wish I could give up overthinking LMAO.

5. An important cause to me:

My former high school is working on building a mental health/general health clinic that's free for students and families to help them get care and support throughout schooling and I'm reaching out to do whatever I can to support. This is something I could've used while I was in high school and I'm excited to see how it goes.

6. Best compliment:

That I'm inspiring for overcoming so much and still being a kind and genuine person (always makes me tear up)

And that I'm funny lol

7. I am most inspired when I see people like Scarlett who love what they do and take time to interact and get to know their fans/readers/cult.

8. I'm a savory bitch lol. I love pretzels hahahaha. ( when I'm on my period, I crave sour candy )

9. A song on repeat: that changes constantly, but right now it's probablyyyy Love Me Dead by Ludo

10. What makes me smile most is my boyfriend. And wings, definitely wings.

11. Window seats, I feel so exposed in the aisle and I like to cuddle against the wall.

12. This is a tough one... the most adventurous thing I've ever done (that I can think of at the moment) would be when my friend and I were exploring a creek and we both slipped and fell into a sewer and were stuck down there for 6 hours trying to get out. And since we were in 5th grade and didn't have cell phones AND it was winter and slippery with ice... it was a whole adventure lol.

13. 3 words.....

I am Empathetic. Resilient. Curious (which can get me in trouble lol)

14. Fave clothing:

At the moment, my giant blue hoodie that has a cartoon shark on it.

15. Best piece of advice:

Treat yourself the way you treat your friends. Stand up for yourself the way you would stand up for those you love.

16. Ummmm diamonds? I guess?

17. When first meeting someone, I always pay attention to how they interact with others.

18. Favorite board game:

I actually love board games, my favorite right now is Avatar the Last Airbender: Crossroads of Destiny

19. Current read:

House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski

20. How I start my day:

I stare at the ceiling for a bit, then get up, get dressed, brush teeth, wash face, eat some type of breakfast (usually a bagel & coffee) then take meds.

21. Favorite holiday:

Any Holiday that I get off from work lol.

22. I always have lip balm, water bottle & inhaler whenever I go anywhere


24. Favorite movie(s):

The 10th Kingdom, The Other Woman, IT

25. Favorite band:

Oooooo, idk.... favorite singer though, has always been Michael Buble

26. Something you don't wanna be doing in 10 years:

Overthinking, lol

27. Best thing this year:

Literally just bought a house TODAY

28. Clothing: I wear black, blue & gray the most

29. I don't like surprises....

30. Astrology? Yeah, I don't know anything about it but if the moon works the tide and we're like 70% water, then it probably impacts us somehow.

31. Spiritual experience:

Yes. Not quite ready to explain, but it was good.

32. Ways to lose my trust:

Hurting people I care about. Lying.

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I agree about how time is frozen around 3am, that's why I like waking up at 4 and also, LMAO I love your rational for zodiac signs.

But omg you were stuck in a sewer?

Congratulations on buying your house!! That is so amazing.

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Thank you 😭 I'm so excited to create my little reading & music room. (Mostly reading, but I play 7 instruments so I have to put them somewhere lol )

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SEVEN instruments?? What do you play?

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Jul 30Liked by Scarlett St. Clair

I play the piano, guitar, banjo, violin, ukulele and mandolin. I'm not great but I'm not absolute shit either, so I'm cool with that lmao.

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If I played that many instruments, I’d probably forget one too 😂

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Jul 30Liked by Scarlett St. Clair

Oops and trumpet. Forgot that one lol

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Jul 29Liked by Scarlett St. Clair

What’s your favorite time of day?

-At night I think, I'm not a morning person haha but I force myself.

What’s your biggest weakness?

-Just like you !!

What’s your biggest strength?

-Saaaaame xD

What’s one vice you wish you could give up?

-Too much chocolate here :)

What’s a cause that is important to you?

-Supporting medical research

Sweet or savory?

-It depends on the time xD

What song can you listen to on repeat?

-Middle of the night by Elley Duhé, it reminds me of Perséphone 🥰.

What makes you smile the most?

-My family

What’s your current favorite piece of clothing that you own?

-My jewels !

What’s the best thing that happened this year?

-I finished my first cycle of medicine.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?

-Every cloud has a silver lining.

Diamonds or pearls?

-Diamond pearls 👀

What are you currently reading?

-A Touch of Chaos x)... on the other hand, I have to finish A Game of Gods first! But, I'm waiting for the right moment because I don't want it to end TT.

What’s your favorite board game?

-Chess haha

How do you start your day?

-By annoying my family and a cup of cappuccino, then let's work !

What’s your favorite holiday?

-July and Christmas because this period is just magical ✨️

Favorite coffee or tea?

-TEA ! (Coffee is addictive but it is rich in antioxidants, and it helps reduce blood pressure, but sparingly xD)

What’s your favorite movie?

-Beauty and Beast with Léa Seydoux, it's adult, dark and magical

What’s your favorite band?

-BTS 💜

What color clothing do you wear most?


Do you like surprises?

-I like surprises but this is frustrating!

Love u Scarlett ❤️

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Okay, I LOVE the French Beauty and the Beast. It's SO beautiful. That's how I imagine the Underworld.

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Jul 30Liked by Scarlett St. Clair

Wow I'm so happy to hear that !!! 😍

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I too drop everything for my dog. 😊 They’re just too darn cute. I also appreciate the honesty about the plane seat. I hate crawling over people to use the bathroom when I’m on a long flight. 😅

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Once, I asked the guy next to me to get up so I could go, and he said of course, but then just remained seated so I had to crawl over him to get out of the seat. It was so awkward.

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Loved this post, Scarlett! You really are genuine. Not many authors would just outright talk about how sitting in the aisle seat on a plane is great because it's easier to get out to pee. 😂

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LMAO. I have priorities.

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Jul 30Liked by Scarlett St. Clair

Okay here I go 😅

Favorite time of day - either 11-1 (don’t ask idk) or 5-8!

Biggest weakness - ahh, I think it has to be giving too many chances and not setting boundaries

Biggest strength - honestly have no idea, can I ask you?😂

One vice - sometimes not all the time, social media doom scrolling

Cause that’s important - as a teacher, education/libraries are 100%, but also animal shelters

Best compliment - that I have a huge and kind heart

Most inspired - when I see the click in a student’s eyes

Sweet or savory - depends on the mood, fries i milkshakes anyone?

Makes you smile most - animals, books, family/friends

Window or aisle seat - I love the window view but I have to say aisle, I don’t like feeling trapped

Most adventurous - took a bus to nyc for the day all by myself to see a play in the part of nyc I’d never been to because my friend couldn’t fo last minute and I really wanted to see the play

Three words to define yourself - passionate. Empathetic, maybe energetic? Loyal?

Clothing - it’s summer but I still love all my crewnecks

Best piece of advice - everything happens for a reason, but also my motto is find your happy

Diamonds or pearls - I like pearls but diamonds go with more and are sparkly

Something you notice when you first meet someone - their vibe/energy, what they’re passionate about

Fave board game - I love board games! I’d say Clue

Currently reading - A Curse of Frost and Stone by Lara Buckheit (beta) and A Lover’s Worth by S. A. Parker

How do you start your day? - I HAVE to make the bed, absolutely have to, then have either tea or coffee

Favorite holiday - Christmas or Easter, but I also love the fall and Halloween time

Always travel with - chapstick. Backup chapstick. Backup backup chapstick hahah, also a scrunchie and migraine pills

Coffee or tea - both! Iced coffee or hot green tea

Favorite movie - oh this question always gets me and always changes even though I’m not a big solo movie watcher - Miracle, Legally Blonde, Now You See Me, Dirty Dancing (I adore everything about this movie)

Favorite band - band would be Big Time Rush

Something you don’t want to be doing in 10 years - being anxious about work

Best thing that happened this year - questions like these are hard for me because I always end up with so many amazing memories with so many wonderful people and I hate singling one out and feeling like I’m not acknowledging the rest 🫣

Color clothing you wear most - blue or olive

Surprises - I love them but I’m also horrible at keeping them but they also make me anxious soooo…do with that what you will

Believe in astrology - I also don’t really understand it but the things I know make sense to me so yes

Spiritual experience - do loved ones visiting in dreams count?

Quickest way to lose your trust - lying

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I have to ask...11-1? Is it because it's lunch? Is it a teacher thing? HAHA.

Your biggest strength is your kindness!

Also, I knew you would love board games.

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🥰🥰🥰 also…I love game nights wifi board games or Trivia of any kind, I just give off the board game vibe 😂

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I am not a good sport. I hate losing. 😂

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We need a top ten books that you love or have influenced you. Everytime you post something about a book I have to go look it up

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I can work on that!

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Christmas and Halloween are my favorite too! It's almost time to decorate.

Lastly, who doesn't love Brendan Fraser from The Mummy 😍😍

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I love that meme that's like "my sexual orientation is the cast of The Mummy" lmao.

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1. My favorite time of the day is 12am-4am because it is quiet and my brain is not racing with random thoughts.

2. I am a people pleaser. if someone asks me to go somewhere even though I have things to do than i'll go.

3. determination is my biggest strength even though half of my goals are unrealistic.

4. I am not sure what i'd give up because I have already given up this year on vaping, soda, fast food etc.

5. Mental health and Autoimmune disease groups. I support them because my mental health is important and I have rheumatoid arthritis. I like to bring awareness.

6. someone told me i was courageous.

7. I am not really sure when I am most inspired.

8. I love savory foods. chicken is my favorite.

9. any one direction song I can listen to all day everyday!!

10. my success makes me smile because I do it for myself and no one else.

11. I love window seats because I can take pictures of the beautiful clouds down below.

12. I went to the UK in 2021 on a one way plane ticket; best thing i ever did for myself. I have now been to the UK three times.

13. Detailed-oriented, outgoing, and quirky :)

14. My dresses are my favorite. I would love love to dress as if i were in the regency era again.

15. Honestly, I think its something that I think all the time... "What do you have to lose?" if you want to do something and you're scared ask yourself that question and if it is nothing than go for it. life is too short.

16. Diamonds

17. I notice people's smiles.. I love when someone is happy and they truly show their real smile. it lights their face up.

18. my sister and I love scrabble.. gets the brain flowing.

19. I am reading Scorched by Jennifer L Armentrout

20. I normally drink a cup of tea while my dog uses the bathroom outside.

21. Christmas! I love the aesthetic and the fact that there are towns that decorate, its cute. I aspire for my future house to be decorated.

22. I always have a book bag. it comes in handy.

23. TEA!!

24. The Great Gatsby is my favorite.. I want to host parties and balls similar to what jay gatsby does.. just not the death part

25. One Direction 100%

26. Struggling to make a living

27. I went to apollycon in april and met a lot of amazing people including you!!

28. Mostly blues or reds

29. it depends, sometimes I do.

30. I do. I've always been obsessed with space and aliens, that just ties into it especially if I feel terrible one day or if people are acting crazy.

31. I have, and it was when i overdosed on caffeine when I was younger

32. I see patterns so until Io notice how that pattern is off and it constantly happens thats how.

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I'm so unsure how to use substack and whatever so, I'm just gonna comment my answers 😂😂😂

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You can just copy and paste, LMAO.

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